(Monday) 7 Oct, 2024
Baganuur coal open pit mine
MUST staffs
School of Geology and Mining Engineering, MUST
Day tour
Target Group
Number of Participants
40 persons
Price per person
Deadline: September 15, 2024
- Before the 15 September 2024: 90%
- Before the end of September 2024: 50%
- After the 1 October 2024: 0%
Field trip Flayer
During early 1970s geologists discovered 600 million tons of big coal deposit in Nuurentein valleys area and by 1978 the government of Mongolia decided to establish Baganuur city in that area as a mining town. Since 1990s the Baganuur is supplying coal as power station fuel to the Ulaanbaatar city power stations which is 80% of total supply. The city elevation is 1,349 m (4,426 ft).
Baganuur is the second biggest mining town has developed into a major center of infrastructure, culture, education, health, communication, commerce and services in Mongolia that is east of Ulaanbaatar. The city has 30,000 residents. Amazing open valleys and forest areas surround the city.
From Ulaanbaatar city drive to the east crossing by Nalaikh town and continue to the east straight and by 130 km at destination. The car ride will take 2-3 hours.
Baganuur coal mine alone supplies 70 percent of the energy coal needs of our country and 60 percent of the central region. In 2022, a total of 16.1 million/m3 of overburden stripped, 27.0 million/m3 of coal exposed, 4.35 million tons of coal was extracted and sold, and an additional 4.5 million tons of coal are planned.
Geological and mining attractions:
Local attractions:
Анхны тусламжийн сургалт амжилттай явагдлаа.
Манай багш ажилтнууд Богдхан ууландаа сайхан аяллаа
Ховор металлын судалгааны төв байгуулах төслийн хэрэгжүүлэгчидтэй уулзав
Үйлдвэрлэл, технологийн паркийн байршлын жагсаалт батлагдлаа
Профессор О.Гэрэл Оросын ШУА-ийн Сибирийн салбарын “Хүндэт доктор” хэргэм өргөмжилжээ.