On 27 Feb 2025, Embassy of India organised a special interaction event in honour of the 30 Mongol Refinery Personnel who will be proceeding to India for a 10-week technical training course from 06 March to 10 May 2025, under ITEC Programme of Government of India at Engineers India Limited (EIL), Gurugram, India. Dr Altansetseg, CEO of Mongol Refinery stated that it's a great opportunity for the engineers to learn the important aspects of Refinery and serve in the project of national importance. In his remarks, H.E Mr Atul Malhari Gotsurve, Ambassador of India mentioned that the training programme will help in the capacity building of the Engineers and help in nation building. The ITEC scholarship programme is a fully funded scholarship programme of Government of India. Mr Khavalbolot, Director of the School of Geology and Mining of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology was also present at the event.
#भारत #India #Монгол #ITEC #Education, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India Монгол газрын тос боловсруулах үйлдвэр ТӨХХК Mongol Refinery SOLLC Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation - ITEC Шинжлэх Ухаан Технологийн Их Сургууль
Оюутны эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлын зар
Gestern besuchter Botschafter Kulitz die Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST).
Германы Элчин сайд Кулитц Монгол Улсын Шинжлэх Ухаан, Технологийн Их Сургууль (ШУТИС)-д зочиллоо.
“Бадрах Энержи” ХХК Геологи, уул уурхайн сургуулийн сургалтын танхимыг иж бүрэн тохижуулжээ
Students will be participating in technical vocational training under the Indian Government's ITEC program