The "World Mongol" student scholarship program 2024 has been announced
Read the guidelines:
Application form:
Acknowledgments: We would like to express our sincere thanks to the members of the US branch of the World Mongol Federation, Enkhbat Togochog, Chuluu Ujiyeedin, and Sanj Altan, who donated to the World Mongol Scholarship, and to all those who donated at the UB Book Fair 2023. 100% of your donation will go toward the tuition of scholarship recipients.
Organizer: World Mongol Federation - Unitas, Libertas, Felicitas, Elbegdorj Institute - Элбэгдорж Хүрээлэн
Co-organizer: National University of Mongolia.
Оюутны эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлын зар
Gestern besuchter Botschafter Kulitz die Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST).
Германы Элчин сайд Кулитц Монгол Улсын Шинжлэх Ухаан, Технологийн Их Сургууль (ШУТИС)-д зочиллоо.
“Бадрах Энержи” ХХК Геологи, уул уурхайн сургуулийн сургалтын танхимыг иж бүрэн тохижуулжээ
Students will be participating in technical vocational training under the Indian Government's ITEC program